Thursday, 30 May 2013

This blog will be an intense focus on editing and revising your documents using technology. We will also discuss that how technology has affected the process of editing and revising works or documents. In modern era, manual and electric typewriter are almost outdated. Computers take place of these documentation machines.  Can you imagine how difficult is to re-type a whole document when you realized that it is having few grammar or spelling errors. With advancement of technology as well as features in upgraded soft wares, processing word documents have become relatively easy compared to pre-computer days. For example we don’t need to worry about spelling mistakes while we write because we have software in-build feature of “spell check". Moreover, MS word has the feature which allows writers to insert and delete words, phrases, tables and paragraphs as per their will. My future postings will attempt to explore the things for the conveniences we currently enjoy with the use of technology to edit and revise.